Well Sammie keeps me on my toes, I could not help but laugh a number of times today from her whitty comments:
1. On Sunday Tommy and Sammie both learned about Johna in the Bible. The lesson was to teach them that we all need to obey God and that since Johna did not obey God, he was then eaten by a big fish. So today Tommy was not being nice to Sammie and she yelled and I mean yelled at him, "Your being mean and your going to get eaten by a big fish!"
2. So we had to stop providing Sammie an open cup at meals because of the number of times she had spilled her milk/juice/water. We explained that except for her small glass of OJ at breakfast, she would no longer get an open cup. It had been a long time since she had spilled any drink until this morning. Sammie spilled her juice and she turned to me in tears. I cleaned her up, told her it was ok, and began to change her cloths. She then scolded me by saying, "Why do you give me an open cup everytime?" Somehow this became my fault and I realized how much of me resides in Sammie, I was so good at the blame game.
3. At lunch today Sammie told Tommy to stay away from her, "I have cheese in my belly!" Well that was not true, no cheese had been served in the house since the day prior. So I explained to Sammie that its ok, she does not have cheese in her belly. She then explained to me, "Yes I do! I ate it last year!" I think in her mind she was talking about lunch from yesturday. Of course that does not make a difference for Tommy's allergies but I do like that she is keeping an eye on things.
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